Our Mission & Vision:
Connecting with God,
Connecting with others,
Connecting others with God.
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United in Christ, we are called to love & serve.
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Rev. Timothy Seitz-Brown — Pastor

Tim Seitz-Brown began serving at Zion Lutheran Church/Landisville, Pennsylvania on June 20, 2022 as the Mission Redevelopment Pastor. He has been blessed to be married to Ann (1984) and happily the Baba (or dad) to CJ (1987), MaryBeth (1992), and Jeremy (1996).
Born in Washington, DC, he has served as a Peace Corps Volunteer/Jamaica (1981-83) and pastor in Easton, Ephrata, Thomasville, Biglerville, and Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
He also taught Bible Knowledge at the Manow Lutheran Junior Seminary of the Konde Diocese in Tanzania (1999-2000) and a Christian Peacemaker Teams delegate to Iraqi Kurdistan (September, 2016).
He has a passion for meeting and working with “people of peace” (see Luke 10:6).
He is a fan of DC sports teams, movie/TV comedies, documentaries, reading, plus leisurely walks through the woods.
Pastor Tim is thrilled to be at Zion!
John Landis
Director of Music

John is an organist, pianist, & trumpeter currently studying at Millersville University while serving as Director of Music at Zion. John has experience playing at churches in the Lancaster area while pursuing his education.
Anne Rankin
Parish Administrator

Anne has been Parish Administrator at Zion since 2012. She is a native of Lancaster and a graduate of J.P. McCaskey High School. She has a B.A. in psychology & math from Hood College, Frederick, MD, and an M.A. in teaching/education from Goucher College, Towson, MD. Prior to coming to Zion, Anne taught and tutored middle school math. She has skills in computer technology and experience in church-related administration and organization. Anne, her husband Chris, and three children live in Landisville.
David C. Albin
Worship Technology Assistant
Dave graduated from Hempfield High School in 1980 and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Performance and Composition from Susquehanna University in 1984. A lifelong Lancaster County resident, Dave worked for three decades at a local Christian theater before joining Zion’s staff. Dave’s also involved with our church drama ministry, having written and directed plays for our congregation. Most recently, he has been working on original pieces for soloists and for the choir, and leads the popular “Box Office Bible Studies” every summer, using clips from Hollywood movies to illustrate Biblical issues and to inspire discussions.

85 E. Brandt Blvd., Landisville, PA 17538